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daun salam bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "daun salam"
  • daun:    foliage; leaf; sheet; leaves; vane; piece of
  • salam:    greeting; hello; regards; salaam; salutation;
  • daun salam koja:    curry leaf
  • salam:    greeting; hello; regards; salaam; salutation; yours affectionately; hail; respects; regard; esteem; deference; wish; hi; hey; greetings; compliments; greet; respectfulness; howdy; respect; salute; h
  • daun:    foliage; leaf; sheet; leaves; vane; piece of paper; blade; verdure; leafage; paper; pastern; page; leaf blade; needle; folio; axil
  • beri salam:    greet
  • berkirim salam:    give respects
  • ikan salam:    salmon
  • memberi salam:    give greeting; give regards; greet
  • menyampaikan salam:    remember
  • pohon salam:    laurel; bay
  • salam (tumbuhan):    syzygium polyanthum
  • salam hangat:    glad hand
  • salam kami:    cordially yours
  • salam koja:    curry tree
  • I added some ginger and laurel leaves.
    Aku menambahkan sedikit jahe dan daun salam.
  • They should be sautéed and grilled with a sprinkle of sage.
    Seharusnya mereka ditumis dan Dipanggang dengan daun salam.
  • I didn't know bay leaves had magic in them.
    Aku tak tahu kalau daun salam punya keuatan sihir didalamnya.
  • You forgot the bay leaf, the cardamom is almost non-existent
    Kau lupa daun salam , kapulaga juga hampir tidak ada
  • Tea Leaf Greetings for lowering high cholesterol...
    Teh Daun Salam untuk menurunkan kolesterol tinggi...
  • Tea Leaf Carambola Wuluh to reduce hypertension...
    Teh Daun Salam untuk menurunkan kolesterol tinggi...
  • In order to make money in the family - bay leaf.
    Untuk menghasilkan uang dalam keluarga - daun salam.
  • You're gonna need something stronger than sage before you plate this lot up.
    Kalian perlu bumbu lebih kuat Dari daun salam sebelum memakan mereka.
  • Sauté until the water comes out, put water and bay leaves.
    Tumis sampai airnya keluar, masukkan air dan daun salam.
  • Add oregano, thyme, bay leave and clove.
    Masukkan oregano, thyme, daun salam dan cengkih, ke dalam tumisan tadi lalu aduk.
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